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Insanity, Treadmill, Fast to Lose Weight


Insanity, Treadmill, Fast to Lose Weight

If you are one of those out there who want to kick your Insanity workout up a notch one excellent choice that you have is combining Insanity with the use of a treadmill. Buy Ntaifitness Treadmill,There are many people that simply add some treadmill use either jogging, walking, or running at the end of each Insanity workout video, and this is not necessarily a bad thing.



What's an insanity workout?

INSANITY is one of the best workouts you've ever seen. No weights, no gym, just results. Keep pushing your limits and your body has to adapt. That's how you get in such insane shape in just 60 days.



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Insanity will help you lose weight more effectively because it is a High Intensity Interval Training workout (HIIT). As a result, you will keep burning calories long after the workout is down due to the "afterburn" effect.


- It promotes the the “afterburn” effect because training at high intensity is more effective for fat burning then if you exercise for a long duration of slow cardio, or periods of heavy and light exercise alternations. You burn a lot of calories after you do a short intense workouts (HIIT) post-workout. This is called the "afterburn" effect. Strictly cardio workouts, such as running, do not stimulate the afterburn effect, therefore you are only burning calories during the time that you are running.




The self-powered treadmill is one the best pieces of gym equipment that you’re currently not using (probably). The main advantage of a non-motorised deck is that you can up the pace instantly, rather than holding down a button and waiting for the speed to slowly increase. This makes self-powered treadmills great for short, sharp HIIT sessions in particular, and some non-motorised treadmills also have the option to increase the resistance on the belt so you can do exercises like sled pushes to strengthen your legs.


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-Insanity will also help you build muscle tone which will increase your insulin sensitivity and activate your growth hormones for a better physique than just running alone.



If your primary goal is to burn fat, then yes. Both running on a treadmill and following a weight lifting regiment or Insanity will accomplish those goals. The main difference though is that you can probably achieve the same results with Insanity in 60 days vs. maybe 6 months to a year on your own.


Insanity is a structured program with carefully planned timing for high interval output and rest.


Unless your treadmill workouts are systematically broken out into speed/climbing/distance intervals and your weight training workouts are broken out into reps and timed rests (and that you provide enough variance in these workouts every few weeks as to prevent plateauing), then your best bet is to either start off with a program similar to Insanity or consult a trainer.


It's really easy to waste time at the gym going through the motions and getting in five exercises over the course of an hour with maybe a total of 8 minutes of intensity.

And then wonder why you can't see results after 2 months. Physical fitness is a lifestyle change. Never get caught up in doing the same thing for too long.


Keep it fresh. Keep it fun! Try new things. When you find something that works for you (that aligns with your goals - heavy lifting, crossfit, endurance training, etc), go all out for as long as you can!